Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Happy Birthday K & T!

Birthday Girls!

Our girls are one year old today! And to be honest it's kinda been a roller coaster of a day for Brian and I emotionally. It hasn't been a happy celebration day (that comes Saturday at their party) but more of a day of looking back and remembering where we were last year at this time, and where we have come from. There is so much to be thankful for but at the same time it is hard to think of where are little girls were at this time last year. Oh, what a year it has been! Here are some remembered moments...
  • bringing them home and putting them together for the first time
  • lots and lots of diapers
  • bottles and bottles everywhere before they were nursing
  • little little sleep
  • pumping around the clock, so it seemed
  • laundry, and more laundry
  • learning to nurse the both of them at the same time
  • teeny tiny bodies to wash poop blow outs off of
  • cries of hold me, I'm hungry, I'm tired, I'm dirty etc.
  • lots of spit up
  • little sleep
  • special moments in the middle of the night feedings
  • seeing them both snuggle together, inseparable 24/7 for the first 3 months
  • their smell
  • those 5 am feedings Bri and I would do together in our bed and then they would sleep on our chests
  • the proud big brother who was instantly protective
  • watching Wheel of Fortune at their 7pm feeding as a family
  • our first family car ride
Well on to the pictures of the girls first birthday. It was nothing special really, just our normal routine. Church for mom's bible study, naps, dinner and then family walk. But they looked super cute because I got them new outfits for their special day. Happy Birthday T & K we love you!
Hello Sunshine!
Good morning birthday girl!

Mommy and her big one year olds!

Miss T

Miss K


Julie said...

I was thinking of them all day yesterday!! Happy Bday!

I hope to meet them before they're driving. :) They will certainly want to meet my crew of eligible bachelors. ;)

Unknown said...

sweetest things on earth!
love you, gram