Tuesday, August 26, 2008

This one is for you...

You know you go through seasons in your marriage when you have ups and downs, feel distant or close, running in different directions or on the same page. It's all natural and we have experienced all these and more. Lately Brian and I have been experiencing some really good, sweet, fun times together. I've loved it so much. Our summer was fun for each of us but for half of it we experienced it separately. When we came back home it was refreshing to do life together again. The Lord has has given us opportunities to have more than the usual conversations where we are actually talking about what is going on in each others heads and hearts and not just who's doing this and where are you going? We've had time to talk about what we are learning, what we are struggling with, our future plans, time to pray for one another and time to encourage one another. We've also really enjoyed just being together. Whether it be cleaning up what seems to be the never ending mess in the kitchen, running errands with the kids, our family outings on Saturday mornings or hanging out on our patio after the kids are in bed. It has all been so enjoyable. I'm thankful for these memories, especially now as we go into a very busy time with ministry.

Brian encourages me to be myself and be confident in the person who God has made me. He encourages me to seek Jesus whole heartedly and the Word for answers. He encourages me in his faithfulness to pursue God at all times. He encourages me to do things on my own, to be different and take the less traveled road. He encourages me as a wife a mother and as a follow of Jesus.

So Bri this is one is for you...

MixwitMixwit make a mixtapeMixwit mixtapes


Mom 2 Mom said...

Very sweet, Aubrey! We love that song too and the girls love singing it. It's been great seeing what you guys are up to this summer via the blog.

We think of you guys often!
Many Continued Blessings,
The Gough's

Julie said...

oh no! Why are you cleaning up vomit? I find with any stain, a spray bottle of water works best, then rubbed in lots of circles with a towel. Sometimes, all the chemicals seem to make it worse or sticky or something.

My First Kitchen said...

Sweet. I like hearing about husbands and wives that genuinely like each other.