Sunday, January 20, 2008

A Friday night out!

On Friday night we decided to venture out and try something new. We all went out to each to Olive Garden and then to Costco. This was our first time all 5 of us went to a sit down restaurant. We've only taken Mason a handful of times. Just not something you do much with a toddler, and a very active at that! But we were feeling brave and we also have been craving Olive Garden because of their delicious TV commercials! We had a great time and everything went fairly smoothly. Granted the girls never made a peep the entire 2 1/2 hours we were out! The only sticky point was waiting for our table and Mason was adamantly telling the hostess "He needs a table right now!" Our meals were good, spaghetti is Mason's favorite so he was a happy camper. It's always funny to see the stares and hear the comments people make when they see us all parading through wherever we are with our double stroller and Mason greeting everyone he sees.

Brian and I decided we could do that every Friday night. We absolutely love be out together as a family!

1 comment:

Julie said...

brave barela family!

We've only been to OG once as a family. B left way too much spaghetti on the floor!